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Revision List

August 19th, 2005

Updated the Gallagher family tree page to include a number of Bart and Mary's new great-great-grandchildren. Added various and sundry e-mail addresses and corrected spellign errors. Ported more pages (including this one) over to the new non-frame look (see last entry).

August 15th, 2005

Having a great time at the Beach House with surprisingly cool weather. Trustees met tonight and established a calendar for the next two years, among other business. Revised the calendar for 2005 and generated new ones for 2006 & 2007. Working on a new look for the site (sans frames) which you can see on these pages and on the reservation info page.

To do: Lots of new babies to update on the Family Tree. Get more family info. Need more recent photos of my kids and any others I can finagle from my relatives.

November 14th, 2004

Scanned Kathy's photos and posted gallerywood.html

March Forth!, 2004

Swapped weeks for Emily, Vicky and Steve. Altered Table info on res2004 & 2005 pages (0,2,1) to lose the clunky border look.

February 19th, 2004

Added two eulogies to Uncle Gordon's page. Updated Gallagher and Ward family information. Swapped weeks for Kathy and Emily.

February 16th, 2004

Added a Hit Counter to the Welcome Page.

February 15th, 2004

Removed Trustees' Addresses as text and replaced them with gif files [Helvetica 12 Bold] to prevent web spiders from gleaning address and telephone info by searching and reading these pages. It doesn't prevent a person from loading the page and reading the info--but then again, they would have to know the page exists in the first place. Also, added link to Ballinasloe.org on the welcome page.

January 27th, 2004

Although the website has been up and running for five years or so, I'm only now feeling the need to list revisions. This is primarily in an attempt to document website changes for my own benefit, to list plans, and to ensure updates and routine maintenance every now and again. Please feel free to bug me with requests to fix, update, delete, alter, and so forth. I value your input.

On or about this date I am doing a routine overhaul of the site as I migrate it from members.aol.com (also users.aol.com) to www.stephenbward.com. This entails changing all email references from stumpster@aol.com to either steve@stephenbward.com, for personal mail, or webmaster@stephenbward.com, for emailing.corrections to the site. I am also trying to check the site for broken and erroneous links, especially to aol.com links, and update the page address listings at the bottom of each web page.

Future projects include adding a webcounter for the home page (relatively easy to do) and revamping the Guestbook on the new server (moderately harder to do, but who's complaining?). I am always soliciting corrections. There's plenty of missing data in the family tree. Please take twenty minutes to email me some corrections. At some point, I would like to have given, middle and surname(s) for each individual along with birthdates (and dates of death, where applicable). The Family tree would be further enhanced with photos, bios and, at the very least, e-mail addresses. So bring it on!

Technical data:

I do all of the design and coding. I use some fairly unsophisticated tools--I guess I enjoy the challenge. Graphics are generally designed in Adobe Photo Deluxe. HTML coding is done using BBEdit 5.1. Many of the photos were taken on a cheesy 640 x 480 Ricoh RDC-300 digital camera. The most recent pix were shot with a Canon ZR-70MC digital videocam (1024 x 768, plus video captures).

The site is currently hosted by Dreamhost.com. I've been very happy there so far.


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Page copyright © 2005, Steve Ward. e-mail Steve Revised 2005/08/19.