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About Bart Ward...

Lately, I've been doing some research on Ancestry.com and other sites for information about Bart and Mary. Many thanks to Brenda Madden for forwarding some documents that her son-in-law, Andrew, found.

I really have little recollection of Papa (I was four when he died), so these documents help paint a picture of various points in his life. If you have good stories, please post them on our guestbook or send via email.

Papa grew up in Kilcashel, Moore Parish, County Roscommon, not far from Ballydangan and the larger town of Ballinasloe (in County Galway).

Documents I have so far:

  • 27Aug1866 Marriage Record for Patrick and Catherine Ward (Bart's parents), listing their fathers, Patrick (Sr.) and Edward McManus
  • 27Aug1879 (1880?) Birth Record for Bartholomew
  • 1901 Irish Census indicating Bart living with parents Patrick and Catherine and older siblings Delia and Louis
  • 25 Apr–01May1901 Ship's Manifest for the Germanic, indicating his hometown as Kilcastle (Kilcashel, Co. Roscommon) and that he was bound for Waterbury, CT to see a brother, John.
  • 1910 US Census (p1 | p2), indicating 51 Catherine Ave, Waterbury, CT as the address, Bart working as a "buffer" in a clock shop, children Mary and "Catherine" (Kay), and a boarder, Peter McTigue (brother or cousin of Mary?).
  • 1911 Irish Census listing Bart's father Patrick Ward (Jr.) as "widower," and siblings Louis and Delia living with him.
  • 09Mar1915 Declaration of Intention (to seek naturalization), indicating the address as 10 Ellet Street, Dorchester, and the occupation of "Silver Polisher."
  • 12Sep1918 World War I Draft Registration, indicating 10 Ellet St. as his address and listing his position as "Laborer" with Holbrook-Cabot & Rollins.
  • 1920 US Census, indicating 10 Ellet St. as the address; his position as "Stoker" in a gashouse; and children Mary, Rose (Kay), Emily, Alice, Theresa, Clare, and John (Gordon).
  • 29Sep1921 Petition for Naturalization, indicating 10 Ellet St. as the address and wife Mary's birthdate as 16Apr1887.
  • 22Apr1922 Oath of Allegiance
  • 1930 US Census, indicating 61 Wrentham Street, Dorchester, MA as the address: Bart working as a "motorman" for the "Trolley-car", children Mary and Emily employed as "Dental Helpers"; Rose (Kay) as a Telephone Operator and 17-year-old Alice as a Grocer's Clerk; the arrival of children Eileen and Gerard; and boarders Francis and Maurice McTigue (cousins of Mary?).
  • 1941? World War II Draft Registration, indicating 61 Wrentham St. as his address, and listing his employer as Boston Elevated Railway.